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Heartfelt Health: 5 Heart-Protecting Habits for Middle-Aged Women

Heartfelt Health: 5 Heart-Protecting Habits for Middle-Aged Women

Valentine's Day is a time of love and connection, but amidst the celebrations, let's not forget the importance of prioritising our heart health, especially as women enter or navigate menopause. This stage of life brings about hormonal changes that can increase the risk of heart issues, making it crucial to adopt proactive habits to protect our hearts. Here are five simple yet powerful habits you can start incorporating into your daily routine today:

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A Slow Start to 2024: Bridging the Gap for Middle-Aged Women

A Slow Start to 2024: Bridging the Gap for Middle-Aged Women

As we cautiously step into the unfolding chapters of 2024, I find myself deliberately embracing a slower pace in a world that often demands urgency. The pressure to be in a constant state of doing and creating, especially as the new year dawns, is a narrative that surrounds us. It's a narrative that tells us we must keep moving at a rapid rate or risk missing out, or worse yet, being left behind.

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