A Slow Start to 2024: Bridging the Gap for Middle-Aged Women

We leverage our wisdom and experience to mentor and inspire younger generations, nurturing a legacy of empowerment.”

Sima Kumar, Middle Aged Mafia Manifesto no. 20

As we cautiously step into the unfolding chapters of 2024, I find myself deliberately embracing a slower pace in a world that often demands urgency. The pressure to be in a constant state of doing and creating, especially as the new year dawns, is a narrative that surrounds us. It's a narrative that tells us we must keep moving at a rapid rate or risk missing out, or worse yet, being left behind. However, as I navigate the path of middle age, I've come to realise that this approach is not only counterintuitive but particularly detrimental to middle-aged women. In a societal landscape that already places us in a liminal space that is riddled with confusion, uncertainty, and insecurity, taking a deliberate and measured approach becomes a form of self-care and rebellion against the societal expectation of constant acceleration.

Over the past seven months since the quiet launch of Middle Aged Mafia in May of 2023, this deliberate pace has allowed me to engage in profound conversations with middle-aged women from diverse backgrounds. These conversations have been more than just exchanges of words; they've been a journey into the hearts and minds of those navigating the challenges of middle age, especially the often-overlooked phase of menopause.

Women become a little dangerous during this time [menopause]...we can no longer keep a lid on it.
— Stephanie Marston, If Not Now when: Reclaiming Ourselves at Midlife

Middle-Aged Mafia is not just a movement; it's a response to a critical gap in advocacy, allyship, education, and awareness for women going through the multifaceted experience of middle age. It's a realisation that the journey doesn't have to be solitary, and the wisdom gained through these transformative years must be passed on to the younger generation.

Our movement is not about pitting one generation or gender against another; it's about inclusivity and understanding. An essential aspect of this inclusivity is recognising the importance of engaging women and their partners, family members, health care practitioners and colleagues. Many husbands are oblivious to the challenges their wives face during menopause, contributing to a concerning rise in middle-aged divorces. Even adult children, often the recipients of unconditional support from their mothers, often find themselves grappling with the transformation of the matriarch into an unfamiliar figure.

My previous role as the co-founder and CEO of a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) company has given me valuable insights into the systemic gaps and minimal investments in education for women entering middle age. Witnessing the lack of resources for women managing family life, personal relationships, work responsibilities, and a myriad of physical, emotional, and psychological changes is disheartening.

Middle-aged Mafia is a testament to our commitment to rectifying these disparities. As we enter 2024, my focus lies on working with workplaces to increase awareness and support for menopausal women. This is a pivotal step in creating a society that understands, values, and supports every woman at every stage of life.

I invite anyone who resonates with our cause to join this movement. Whether you're seeking support, willing to mentor, or a workplace eager to make a positive change, let's collaborate. Reach out, connect, and together, let's ensure that middle age becomes a period of empowerment, understanding, and unity. In doing so, we forge a path where every woman's journey is acknowledged, celebrated, and supported, breaking the barriers that have long confined us and, in many areas of life, continue to do so.


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