Thank you for your interest in becoming a contributor to the Middle Aged Mafia Blog. We welcome individuals who are passionate about sharing their knowledge and experiences related to the lives of middle-aged women aged 45-65. Our blog aims to provide valuable and insightful content on various topics relevant to this demographic, including health and wellness, financial literacy, legal rights, menopause, relationships, media representation, and entrepreneurship. Before submitting your content, please review the following guidelines:

  1. Content Focus: Middle Aged Mafia Blog addresses the unique challenges and experiences of middle-aged women aged 45-65. We accept articles, opinion pieces, personal essays, interviews, and other forms of written content that revolve around health and wellness, financial literacy, legal rights, menopause, relationships, media representation, and entrepreneurship. We encourage contributors to provide valuable insights, practical tips, personal stories, and thought-provoking discussions about these topics.

  2. Originality: While we appreciate original content that has yet to be previously published elsewhere, including personal blogs, magazines, or other online platforms, this is not a deal breaker. We understand the internet is a big place and re-sharing content can find a new audience, just be sure to abide by previous rights and ownership agreements. We seek unique perspectives and encourage contributors to share their own experiences and ideas.

  3. Quality and Style: All submissions should be well-written, engaging, and free of grammatical or spelling errors. We encourage contributors to maintain a conversational and approachable tone, making their content easily understandable and relatable to our readers. Please ensure your work is formatted correctly with headings, subheadings, and paragraphs for improved readability.

  4. Word Count: While we do not have strict word count limitations, we generally prefer articles between 800 and 1,500 words. However, we value the quality of content over its length, so feel free to exceed this range if necessary to provide comprehensive coverage of your topic.

  5. Citations and References: If you include statistics, quotes, or refer to external sources in your content, please provide proper citations and references. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited, and we require all contributors to respect intellectual property rights.

  6. Non-Paid Contributions: Middle Aged Mafia Blog is currently a non-monetised platform, and we regretfully inform you that we cannot offer financial compensation for your contributions at this time. However, we provide full credit to our contributors, including a byline, brief bio, and a link to their personal website or social media profiles, which can help promote your work and establish your online presence.

  7. Submission Process: To submit your content for consideration, please send your article as a Word document or in plain text format to Include "Contributor Submission" in the subject line of your email. Please refrain from sending attachments larger than 5 MB. In the body of your email, provide a brief introduction and a short bio about yourself (50-100 words).

  8. Review and Editing: Our editorial team will review your submission and determine its suitability for publication on Middle Aged Mafia Blog. We reserve the right to make minor edits or request revisions to ensure the content aligns with our editorial standards. If substantial changes are necessary, we will consult with you before making any modifications.

  9. Response Time: We strive to review and respond to all submissions within two weeks. However, during busy periods, the review process may take longer. If you are still waiting to receive a response within the specified timeframe, please follow up with us.

  10. Rights and Ownership: Once your submission is accepted and published on Middle Aged Mafia Blog, you grant us the non-exclusive right to display, distribute, and promote the content on our website and through our associated social media channels. However, you retain the copyright to your work and are free to republish it elsewhere after a reasonable period (usually 30 days) has elapsed since the initial publication on our blog.

We appreciate your interest in contributing to Middle Aged Mafia Blog. By submitting your content, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to abide by the above mentioned guidelines. We look forward to receiving your submissions and working together to provide valuable content for middle-aged women.